I started taking a probiotic a couple of months ago. I wasn't even sure what a probiotic was supposed to do. I just knew I had a severe immune deficiency and all the antibiotics I take daily, (875 mg twice a day...a total of 1,750 mg. daily), were killing all the biotics in my body, good, bad, or ugly. Even with all the antibiotics, 2 types of allergy medicine, and Vitamin C I was taking daily, my immune deficiency is so bad that I would get a sinus infection that would wipe me out about every month to 6 weeks. The infection would continually get worse and last 1 and 1/2 weeks to 2 weeks, with me doubling up, sometimes tripling up on my antibiotic.
Of course, every year or two, my doctor has to increase the amount of antibiotic because my body becomes accustomed to the dosage and it needs more to work at the same rate. I have had this condition all my life, therefore, I am now taking enough antibiotic to heal a hospital of people, and I still get sick...really sick.
My deficiency is so bad that an allergist wanted to send my blood work to Duke University to have it analyzed at one point. Speaking of doctors, not one doctor or specialist ever mentioned a probiotic to me. Wonder why not? It's just common sense.
When I began taking Plexus, I kept reading about the probiotic they make, ProBio5, and was curious if it might work for me. I decided to try it. Since I began taking it, I have not had one sinus infection. I should have had at least 2 pretty severe bouts at this point. I haven't. My good biotics are being put back into my body and getting rid of some serious yuck going on in there.
I have cut back on my antibiotic on the week-end. I am about to cut out 1 pill every week-day also, and see how it goes. I would love to be able to completely quit taking an antibiotic every day! I have also cut out one of my allergy pills a day.